Why? Well why not?
You were
blessed with a great talent and the ability to
influence others just by being you. Selfless deeds can
make a huge difference, just do soemthing and see what
happens. Or better yet, let us do it for you.
Think back
throughout your life...where you once lived, or went
to school, maybe a person who made a difference in
your life, someone who inspired you to do great
We know
you want to do the same. What about a family member or
friend who suffered from a disease or a disability?
You're in a position to touch many people's lives and
help others not have a to suffer the same diseases,
disabilities or misfortunes you may have witnessed
others endure.
• None of us are too BIG to do something small.
Sometimes we don’t stop and think that…
• $100 might not buy us much in our daily lives, but
for a charity it can buy school supplies for an entire
public school class, or new shoes for 10
underprivileged children.
• $500 assists 1 person for 1 year with the repair of
a wheelchair or leg braces.
• $789 sends one disabled child to summer camp
• $2000 can purchase 1 wheelchair, leg braces or a
communication device for someone who otherwise would
not be able to afford it.
What seems small to us is
HUGE to others. You can do uncommon work through
uncommon deeds.
We know that you are a
very busy person in a very busy world. That’s where we
come in. Give us your vision and we will make it
happen. We are here to manage your Benefit from
beginning to end. Afraid you don’t know what charity
to support, or how to set up your own foundation?
That’s just the beginning, and that’s where we step
in. Leave those worries to us. If you think that you
don’t want to have a benefit alone then let’s get a
few more of your friends onboard to do it with you!
Nothing feels better than knowing that the money
you’ve helped raise will bring research one step
closer to finding a cure or put food on a hungry
childs plate. Yes you, you can make this happen and we
are here to make sure it does. Put your “trust” in us
and see the “interest” it brings. This is not our
BENEFIT, it’s yours… we take your thoughts, charm and
personality and make it an event to remember that will
impact everyone involved. This will be your “first
annual benefit” of many to come. Don’t let fear hold
you back from making a huge impact.
Big Hearted Babes will
be responsible for the following:
• Budgets & Book keeping – log all income & expenses
in an excel grid
o Expenses
Get things donated that event needs vs. renting or
paying for
If we must pay get price cuts & discounts
Shop for best deals
• Coordinating
o Event from A to Z
o Confirm location & rental deal
o Make sure all permits are taken care of
o Put any tents, tables & chairs on hold
• Sponsorships
o Create pitches
o Determine & define sponsorship levels
o Recruit & negotiate & secure new sponsors
o Get past sponsors to recommit for this year
o Create sponsor contracts
o Meet with sponsors to make sure they are taken care
o Be sponsors day of contact for any questions or
concerns on site
o Order all event banners w/ sponsors logos included
on them
o Oversee production & design of event merchandise
that might be included in the sponsorship packages
• Ticketing
o Determine how tickets will be sold
o Build show for on sale
o Coordinate pre sale & public on sale date
o Define ticket prices
o Decide if there will be a group discount. If so
o Create “packages” to sell on Ebay
o VIP tickets
How many do we want included in VIP ticket
How much will tickets be to purchase
• Talent
o Create a talent wish list
o Determine talent budget
o Send requests to talent & agents
o Confirm talent
o Coordinate pre sale with artists fan clubs
o Advance w/ artists regarding hospitality and bus
o Coordinate M&G artists & VIP ticket holders
• Vendors
o Secure vendors to set up booths at event
o Logistics
Power for vendors
Determine if they pay us a fee to be there or % of
Patrons pay with money to vendors or meal tickets
• Volunteers
o Recruit volunteers for clean up in VIP tent
o Clean up after show
o Ticket takers
o Registration
o Food servers
• Advertising & Promotion
o Coordinate with media outlets on when PSA’s will run
o Create trade offers with media
o Help decide if there is money for advertising if so
what the budget is
o Coordinate & draw up all e-mails for e-mail blasts
o Design event website
o Coordinate production of designs for event posters,
ads & fliers
o Keep up with marketing ad plan
When ads run & with what media outlet
When stories run in press & with what media outlet
o Find all ways to promote event
o Correspond with local businesses for in store
promotions |